
Dear Visitor

This website is donated to all friends and collectors of vacuum tubes..

I have been collecting any kind of tubes since more than 25 years and stored quite a lot.
Now after retirement from my job it`s time to display
some on my website.

I´m still interested in tubes which are missing in my collection. Also I would like to receive
informations about companies, types and history. Any contribution is wellcome. There is also 
a special number of tubes which need to be identified.
This tubes are displayed  here.

If you :              - know any of this tubes

                        - the country, the manufacturer or the history of the tube

                        - publications about the tubes or manufcturers  

                        - where you have seen one of this tubes is in a collection or elsewhere

                        - know anybody who could help

please send Email with further  details. 

Please refer first to the number of the tube shown below each picture. Don`t forget to fill in your
name, adress, email, phone and fax if available.

Send your mail to: or fill in the form here. Thanks!